Friday, April 17, 2009

Columbus-style Ships in Stuart, Florida

Today, we went to see two Columbus-style ships anchored for a week in Stuart. David told us about them when he called earlier this week. Laurel , David, John and Rose are visiting Laurel's aunt and uncle in Vero Beach, which is only about 35 miles from where we are on Hutchinson Island.

As we were walking toward the ships on the walkways, David had started to say to John, "You'd better hold onto your ... " when the wind plucked John's hat off his head and into the water. Since there was no way to retrieve it, we continued on to see the ships. John was very good about losing his hat and didn't whine or cry at all.
One guide told Charles that the ships really don't have a permanent dock, but sail around to different cities (although on one of them it said "Nina - Wilmington, DL"). The crew slept below in small bunks and the captain had an area with two bunks and a small desk. Ceiling height was only about 5 feet. Guess men must have been shorter then or had lots of backaches.
On our way back to land, we all kept looking for John's hat -- especially John. David spied it among some rocks on the shore. (See blue hat by the rocks.) There was an open spot at the end of the railing, and David climbed down. He removed his shoes and crawled along the rocks and finally reached the hat.

After throwing it up to Laurel, he then proceeded back the way he came and with a little help climbed back up to the walkway. John was really glad to get his hat back, but I'm surprised that we
didn't get caught.
After all that work, it was time for lunch. We went to a place in Stuart where we've eaten before. It's on the waterfront and you can watch the boats and seagulls. John tried some calamari and shrimp. Rose seemed to think the calamari was really good. After lunch, we went back to the condo and Rose napped while David and John hit the pool.

It was good to see the Derry's, but it's funny we have to go to Florida to do it. I think all of us will sleep well tonight after being out in the sunshine and wind most of the day.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lordy, Lordy, Lori's Forty!

April 9th was Lori's 40th birthday! It never seems possible when you bring those precious little bundles home from the hospital that someday they'll be as old as you think you are!! Lori's had a rough year healthwise, and we think being out of her 30's might just might be good for her. We all wish her a Happy Birthday and a healthy and prosperous year ahead.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


On our way to Florida, we had a rather interesting day. We were on I-77 just north of the I-85 exchange in Charlotte when there was something in our lane that we couldn't miss. It looked like boards, but something became wedged underneath the Tahoe and we had to pull over. It turned out to be a rod of metal about 4 ft. long and it wedged between the left front tire, over the axel and on out towards my door. We finally got it out and started to pull ahead when he thought he'd better check the tire pressure. It was 16 pounds and going down fast. We got OnStar on the line and they were arranging for someone to come and check on us, when a yellow truck pulled up behind us. It was a NC highway truck that had been dispatched to check out what was in the road and the driver offered to help us. He put the spare on, but suggested that we stop by Tire Kingdom and see what the damage was. Long story short -- they could not plug the tire -- hole was too big. So, we had to purchase a new one and have it put on and the spare back underneath the truck. Just getting the spare off the truck and back on was an interesting adventure in itself. We arrived in Port Wentworth, Georgia, two hours late, but safe and sound!!